Tuesday, October 03, 2006

THE ULTIMATE INDIAN RANT 2.. what a girl wants.

gonna fucking sick you!

When was the last time you overheard a conversation which you where not suppose to and didnt even want to or gave a fuck cause it was a waste of your small ass life time... day before yesterday.. i overhead a conversation b/w 2 indian girls inside tube... for some apparent reason... they didnt think i was indian...(or even if they did.. didnt think that i would give a rats ass at what they where saying). 1 said, "what is up with the indian guys today yaar". "none of them have any class or are any good", the other 1 promptly slapped her on her hand and said, "what about john abraham..sign).... the 1st 1 then continued and said somtihn even more exicting to lissen about... "i think its becouse haam girls we have to teach them".. i looked at her now.... and she was drop dead serious while sayin that... she then went on her with megalomaniac talks and rampaged what any two good indian boy/father/grandfather/dog would shrud on. The god forsaken bitch didnt have an end to the list of complaint she was throwing out 1 after fuckin another... like a stack of shitless pieces of shit. then she just fucking went on to do the icing on the ice cream cake by sying this, "accha yeh batow, agar tumara boyfrnd wouldnt have met u, would he have become as sucessful as he is today, its the indian womans turn now because all they can think of is sex and themselves". damn strait it is............. to get whats comming frm me.

a friend in need... friend in doing?

I really do love indian girls... ther sweet... caring... always helpful... cheerful. after all, behind every sucessfull indian male... there is a female who is all wrapped up in sari and gives those cheerful hugges at every completion stage of life….. and I know my limits ladies and gentlemen. BUT I WILL SAY THIS: some Indian girls have gone way out of line… the fine line between love and hate… for me… lets chkem out……….

checking me out.. haha i am going to get you all.

While those babe ruth’s where talking, I noticed another guy from the Indian subcontinent listening over to what those dirtbags have to say. After a while he just started chucking and sheeplessly passing miniature smiles. I think all of us do really understand whats its about but just do not want to speak it. Some girls think there too “cool” for some of us. Some thing there only worth to guys like John Abraham and Co. (who they prob. Havnt talked to but still “love`em”). About 8/10 of these girls consist of the better looking or shall I say. “hotter” looking out of the who Indian girl lot…. This is where the PROBLEM kicks off:

All guys what hot girls. That like saying gravity exists, Every1 jst knows it so there is no agument there. Now here comes the big question. If u have read the 1st Indian rant (posted below). Why do you think most of the Indian guys do actually turn swinish and do all kind of crazy stunts? TO IMPRESS MABYE/ TO GET A GRIP ON THE NEW FAME, one of my so cheesy friend even spread out the word, he wears a freaking turban even though hez not a sardar just to be a part of that elite league. He doesn’t like it.. but hell if it attracts seedy dames.. Why not?

Some do look good at what the make out of themselves. Other according to me and a lot of holy angles look like shit. If those girls just come out in the open and fuckin speak up that, “yeah u know, ur going to far.. ur making a fool out of urself”. BUT THEY WONT.. this is where the fuckin enjoy this whole situation the most these horrible bitches. They`ll hand pick you, make you think that what your doing is “amazing or different”, and HAVE A HUGE LAUGH AT YOU WHEN UR NOT LOOKING… trust me, seen it a lot!. Not bad, ladies. You really do know what “having some good girl fun” is. Whores!

And after this they think they have all the Indian guys under there feet. They are the new “winner” in this god forsaken sex race. Not bad ladies!. but still you will hardly seen big “players” in any part & parcel as Dames (business/ music.. etc).. BUT Y SOB SOB…… its really simple and something most girls forget to look into. There “Emotional”:

Ok didn’t get it if your one. Can you preassume me for moment fucking your mom and shoving a sick up ur dads ass. (!!!!!). Nope!. Well we guys can, we (guys) can kill, fuck, snort, talk crap without remorse, you may pretend that you can but most of you will die of the great Indian guilt. We can imagine situations like these, You cant. That’s y guys who can`t are called “pussies”. Something that you have, we don’t! and its because of this that you do step back at times and we take advantage of it… and It doesn’t have to be right… its just how things are.

"how can u even talk like this
dont u have a family"
EVERY1 wants to have sex, me and you regardless of whom or what we are. But apparently most Indian girls do find it hard to digest and want to go with the “ I am the all sweet virgin thing”, I am so proud that I am a male for this because I am so less of a hypocrite and a asswipe. I accept that fact and instead of beating around the bush get straight to the point whenever it is needed. We don’t have to cower behind a “relationship” to make sex worthily! When I was born I was given a dick first rather than religion and cheap ass social understanding of adultery or pre marital affairs. So how can you possible “educate” yourself to be one… we all know ladies that deep down you’re the same, but less reluctant to accepting this… I can even point it out in a conversation:

1. all I want is a nice guy that will make me feel special, that will listen to me and love me forever..."
- Lie. She left off the part about "and a guy that will have plenty of raunchy sex with me because that's all most girls are really looking for, but we're too shallow to admit that to you because we want to keep this 'virgin-girl' image we have going on and we don't want to sound too slutty, so we're going to pretend that all the nice guys we've met so far haven't fit the bill when in reality, they've treated us infinitely better than any guy we could ever hope to meet at a club downtown." I've said this before and I'll say it again:
GIRLS DO NOT WANT NICE GUYS…. I know there are so who actually do who are in it for the money.. Otherwise non existent.

2.“I cant find the right guy yaar, all are the same”
- LIE. I cant possibly imagne a situation of ending up with the same guy for the rest of my life

3.“I miss you(gasp)”
- LIE. I really want to have sex, but then i`ll play along with the whole “virgin” bit that I have going.

4.“I love you”
- LIE. I am going to use you and you can use me as well, but trust me i`ll get the better out of it.

5. "I've never had sex before..."
- Lie. Unless you ignore all those times I've been felt up on dates, performed and received oral, fooled around with other girls, etc etc etc. again, why do girls lie about this? It doesn't have to be coitus for it to be sex. Sex is sex. Quit trying to give people the false impression that you're innocent and pure. Just tell the truth. If you're embarrassed about it and regret doing it, then you probably shouldn't have done it in the first place. At the very least, you could respect yourself by telling the truth.

Apparent to all this it can be said that worlds unfair... so do whatever one elses does. get a bottle of jack`s and drown in it!


Blogger Kartik said...

Oh shite.. i didn't recognise u at first. Its yas*** right?
Oh man dont tell me u are a dutt fan!! Say it aint so.

12:36 AM  
Blogger indian lucifer said...

no.. in a good part of my life i dont think i even knew the fucker existed

8:55 AM  
Blogger Kartik said...

hah. whew.. a sigh of relief. I almost though you had switched over to the dark side.

9:38 AM  

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